Mohammed Asif

Founder of UiK Group​


Mohammed Asif is the visionary founder behind UIK Group, a dynamic conglomerate that was established in 2016. With a keen eye for opportunity and a passion for innovation, Mohammed Asif has successfully steered UIK Group to become a prominent player in multiple sectors, including construction, real estate, and poultry.

Under Mohammed Asif’s leadership, UIK Group has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence in all its endeavour. In the construction sector, the company has been instrumental in shaping skylines and delivering high-quality infrastructure projects. In the realm of real estate, UIK Group has carved a niche for itself by developing exceptional properties that cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of its clientele.

Additionally, Mohammed Asif’s vision extends to the poultry industry, where UIK Group has made significant strides in ensuring the production of Top-Quality livestock , adhering to the highest standards of quality and hygiene.

Mohammed Asif’s entrepreneurial spirit, coupled with his dedication to ethical business practices, has earned UIK Group a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness in the market. As the founder and driving force behind the company, he continues to lead UIK Group towards greater achievements and a promising future in its multifaceted business ventures.

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